ALN at Palmerston
At Palmerston Primary School, in accordance with the ALN code for Wales 2021, a child is identified as having an Additional Learning Need if they have significantly greater difficulty in learning than the majority of children of the same age; or have a disability which prevents or hinders them from accessing the curriculum fully. Here at Palmerston, we believe that:
- a child with ALN should have all their needs met;
- their needs should be met within the mainstream school setting where possible;
- the child’s views should be sought and taken into account;
- parents play a vital role in their child’s education, and their views should be sought and taken into account;
- children with ALN should have full access to a broad, balanced and relevant curriculum.
Our ALNCO Team are Bev Hopkin, Tracy Merriott and Alison Johnson. If you have any queries or questions about your child’s needs, please feel free to contact us through the school website or call the school office to make an appointment.
Additional Learning Needs and Education Tribunal (Wales) Act 2018
This Act is now being phased in and will be fully implemented by August 2023. It ensures that all learners with ALN are supported to overcome their difficulties. It enables a person-centred approach which puts the pupil at the centre of planning for their future learning and caters for people with learning difficulties from birth to 25 years of age.
If your child currently has a Statement of Special Educational Needs, that Statement will remain in place until 2022-23, when it will be replaced by an Individual Development Plan.
Supporting ALN
Most of our support begins in class. The class teacher plans a differentiated set of activities which cater for the child’s individual needs. Sometimes the child will be supported individually or in small group activities with a Learning Support Assistant (LSA). They may also be withdrawn to work on an intervention programme to address a specific need/barrier to learning.
Individual Educational Plans (IEPs) are drawn up to help children to meet short and achievable targets. Both the child and their parents agree to these targets. IEPs are regularly reviewed and new targets set as and when required.
Progress is regularly monitored and should your child not be making the expected progress we would seek further assistance from one of our outside agencies, such as Speech and Language Therapists, Educational Psychologists, Autism Outreach and the Engagement Service. Please note that outside agencies will only be consulted when we feel that a significant barrier to learning remains after several interventions have been implemented and you will be informed of this.
If your child is found to have an ALN, they will have an Individual Development Plan (IDP) written for them. This is drawn up in a meeting between teachers, parents, the child, and any outside agencies involved with them. This document contains a description of the ALN and the additional learning provision necessary to overcome or mitigate the barrier to learning. The school will prepare and maintain the IDP and it will detail the strategies and interventions that are additional to or different from what is normally provided for others of the same age.
Nearly all learners will make appropriate progress once their additional learning need is identified and the appropriate additional provision is implemented. Where the provision has successfully addressed the barrier to learning, the learner may no longer require that provision and school will then need to cease the IDP.
More information can be found on the ALN section of the Vale of Glamorgan website.
Pupil Deprivation Grant (PDG) Palmerston Primary School 2023/4
At Palmerston we use the PDG grant to support our vulnerable groups of learners. We value high quality teaching and learning and invest in trained staff who can help close the gap.
We have staff dedicated to tracking pupil progress across the school, analysing data from assessments to inform any intervention or support groups needed such as 1 to 1 phonics tutoring or ‘fresh start’ literacy small group work.
We have a dedicated team of trained LSA’s who support those who need extra support in literacy through sound work, reading and comprehension activities. We also have a speech and language programme that supports our pupils with their speech development.
We also support children with their social, emotional and mental health needs. We have a team of trained LSA’s who are ELSA/ Thrive trained who work with individual children who benefit from sessions that include discussions, games and practical activities. Selfie and motional assessments are used to assess where support can best be given and our Wellbeing team co-ordinate this support.
Our children also love Forest Schools sessions as a chance to connect with nature and work in the outside space within the school.
Grant income 23-24 - £55,200 - this income used for above interventions and adult support across the school.
SNAP Cymru
Parents can seek further advice from SNAP Cymru, a charity which provides information, advice and support for parents, children and young people who have or may have Additional Learning Needs or disabilities.
SNAP Cymru can provide the following impartial, confidential and free services including:
- a helpline with information, advice and support
- specialist casework
- discrimination advice and casework
- independent specialist ALN advocacy
- disagreement resolution
- To access Snap Cymru, children, young people or parents can contact the service on 0808 801 0608 or by visiting their website.