School Improvement Plan
The schools' priorities for the academic year 2023 / 24 are:
1. To improve numeracy across the curriculum and raise standards in writing across the curriculum
2. To continue to embed feedback and feedforward marking to promote pupil's independent skills
3. To improve attendance of eFSM pupils
Pupil Development Grant
This grant is allocated to support the needs of pupils who are currently or have been eligible for free meals in the previous two years:
The schools' priorities for the academic year 2023 / 24 are:
1. To improve numeracy across the curriculum and raise standards in writing across the curriculum
2. To continue to embed feedback and feedforward marking to promote pupil's independent skills
3. To improve attendance of eFSM pupils
Pupil Development Grant
This grant is allocated to support the needs of pupils who are currently or have been eligible for free meals in the previous two years:
Detail |
Amount |
PDG funding allocation this academic year (including £2100 for CLA PDG |
£67,850 |
ALNco |
£47,363 |
ALN team, data analysis and tracking, targeted interventions, research and enquiry times |
£36,729 |
Difference paid from the budget |
£16,242 |
Total budget for this academic year |
£84,092 |
This explains the outcomes we are aiming for by the end of our current strategy plan, and how we will measure whether they have been achieved or not:
Intended outcomes |
Success Criteria: |
Vulnerable learners and those with protected characteristics make good progress in relation to their starting point |
1. Staff have identified vulnerable individuals/groups of learners in class including FSM, BAME, gender and ALN 2. Wave 1 classroom provision enables access for all including opportunities for pupils to build on their learning independently 3. Pupil progress is regularly tracked and targeted support is given where appropriate |
There is high quality teaching and learning across the school We know the children well and can support and challenge where appropriate |
1. Strategies and teaching methods are appropriate and match the needs of our learners 2. Coaching buddies are used successfully to share good practice and create a professional dialogue 3. Support and challenge is evident 3 |
To improve attendance of eFSM pupils |
1. All staff have a good understanding of the barriers faced by eFSM pupils 2. To develop effective approaches/strategies that stimulate and engage our pupils 3. To improve engagement and relationships with our vulnerable families |